Expand description

This is a tokenizer for serialized Sixel images, for more info on the protocol, see: https://vt100.net/docs/vt3xx-gp/chapter14.html

Parser should be given sixel bytes one by one and a callback. The callback is called with a SixelEvent zero or more times per byte when relevant.


use sixel_tokenizer::Parser;
fn main() {
    let sample = "
    let sample_bytes = sample.as_bytes();
    let mut events = vec![];
    let mut parser = Parser::new();
    for byte in sample_bytes {
        parser.advance(&byte, |sixel_event| events.push(sixel_event));
    let mut snapshot = String::new();
    for event in events {
        snapshot.push_str(&format!("{:?}", event));
    println!("{}", snapshot);

This program will print:

Dcs { macro_parameter: None, transparent_background: None, horizontal_pixel_distance: None }
RasterAttribute { pan: 2, pad: 1, ph: Some(100), pv: Some(200) }
ColorIntroducer { color_number: 0, color_coordinate_system: Some(RGB(0, 0, 0)) }
ColorIntroducer { color_number: 1, color_coordinate_system: Some(RGB(100, 100, 0)) }
ColorIntroducer { color_number: 2, color_coordinate_system: Some(RGB(0, 100, 0)) }
ColorIntroducer { color_number: 1, color_coordinate_system: None }
Data { byte: 126 }
ColorIntroducer { color_number: 1, color_coordinate_system: None }
Repeat { repeat_count: 14, byte_to_repeat: 64 }

